This year, like last, our parish has free copies of Lenten reflections available for the taking. The booklet for 2013 is Called to Life, Called to Love by Henri J.M. Nouwen, a prolific yet accessible priest and author, whom I am familiar with through his works The Return of the Prodigal Son and The Spirituality of Waiting. I love this guy. The booklet is a collection of daily reflections, but there is enough to consider in this, an excerpt from the introduction, for me to work on for at least forty days:
Lent offers a beautiful opportunity to discover the mystery of Christ within us. It is a gentle but also demanding time. It is a time of solitude but also community. It is a time of listening to the voice within, but also a time of paying attention to other people’s needs. It is a time to continuously make the passage to new inner life as well as to life with those around us.
May this Lent be a season of growth in faith, hope, and charity for all of us.